Monday, December 17, 2018

Daughters 3rd Birthday

 Earlier this year my little girl started understanding birthdays and birthday parties. She has had the opportunity to attend may parties this year. One aspect that she picked up on was, there was a theme. When she understood that, she, herself decided what her birthday party was going to be this year. Tolls and Dinosaur party!

She was very specific as to what kind of trolls and dinosaurs are acceptable. She did not want the cartoon dinosaurs. No, she wanted the dinosaurs from Jurassic World. (Please note, she has never seen any of the Jurassic movies). However, all Trolls and even a Bergen or two were acceptable to have at the house.

Like any mom I first turned to Pinterest. However, there are no ideas on how to do a combined party. So I looked each topic up individually. I picked some ideas from both themes and mixed them together. Here is how it all cam together.

Any and every party needs a Happy Birthday Sign, I had picked up one of each, a Trolls and a Jurassic World Sign. I picked up a photo booth area, featuring items to use from the Trolls Movie. I had Streamers both dinosaur and trolls. My husband found a hat like mask that was in the shape of a raptor.

I picked up a chocolate cake from Costco. If you have never had one of their cakes, I recommend it, they are moist, sweet frosting and are so very filling. Costco makes dinosaur cakes, I was in luck! I made  chocolate cupcakes with a butter cream frosting. I separated the frosting into multiple bowls and added different color to each. I combined the frosting in a piping bag and frosted each cupcake.

Finally a child's party is not complete without balloons. We acquired both Trolls and Jurassic World Balloons from Party Store and Amazon. However, it is worth mentioning that if you do but the balloon somewhere else some places will either have a small fee or will not blow the balloons up at all. We were lucky enough that there was just a added charge.

The party went well and our little girl still talks about her birthday party as if it was last week. Below are some of the pictures of that day. I hope this will help another mama out that has a child that likes a little of everything. I am excited to see what she will pick for her next birthday.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

It's Time to Potty Everyone

This is the story and log on how we got on track to potty train our little one. I am not saying this is the right way. This is just what worked and is working for us.

The time has come to potty train our daughter, who is two and a half. I first, had her come into the bathroom while I was going potty, Let's be honest she was going to walk in the bathroom anyways.  While I was going I asked do you hear that, that is potty. I did that a few times until she was the one to say, "oh, mama, you're going potty!" Once she understood what was kind of going on it was her turn.

We purchased a potty seat, the kind that just goes on the toilet and told her this is her special seat. Where she will be going potty just like mommy.  While she was still in her diapers a couple times a day I would encourage that we try.

 After about a week of just sitting on her special chair, I then made a chart. It had 2 sections one that was, I Tried and the other, I went on the Potty. I made a number of boxes and every five would be a special incentive. Those incentives ranged from going to Barnes and Noble, ice cream after dinner to a new book and a visit from someone special (her Emi or "The Guys")

The first week went well she tried very hard to go on the potty. With every try she would get a sticker that she would put on her chart. The big day came that I felt that she was ready to make the jump, into big girl underwear. The husband on the other hand did not feel the same way. After I explained that this is the best way for her to understand that she is a big girl now, and big girls only go in the potty.

Now with her new Tolls underwear on, she repeated, "Don't poop on Poppy." Within a few days without being asked by mommy or daddy, she was listening to her body and was peeing in the potty. That moment you see that look of I Did It, in your child's eyes, is one of the best feelings in the world. She was always looking forward to get a sticker to put on her chart.

While going potty was flowing great. There was still the hesitation of going number 2. That is when I changed the chart rules and said she only gets a sticker if she goes poo poo in the potty.  I would be lying if I said we didn't have an oops or two. However, she kept trying and finally it happened, she did it. She also, screamed as loud as she could, Poo Poos are coming, POO POOS ARE COMING.  For a whole day I thought I was raising the Paul Revere of the bathroom. Once again, it was a day of accomplishment for both of us. She was able to continue in filling in her chart boxes with a sticker.

She is now getting consistent at going and asking to go to the bathroom when we are not at home, when we are away and even at the mall. This mommy is chalking even stone up as a win.

I know you are wondering how long did this take. In a few days we will be one month into training. While I would be lying to say we are completely accident free. We are getting closer everyday. There are just a few thing to remember and that I have to remind myself too.

  1. You have to remember accidents are going to happen. 
  2. Don't get frustrated. Take the opportunity to talk about it.  Oh no, you went in your underwear, remember we always need to listen to our bodies. 
  3. Sometime you need to over exaggerate the small accomplishments with a yahoo or a little dance. I do like to do, the you went potty dance
  4. Rewards, make them your own. You know your child best. (candy and sweets wouldn't work but a book does)
  5. Children are not the same. Some children will be ready earlier and some will be later. Don't push.
  6. Its a rough time for everyone, there will be poop there will be potty. HAVE FUN and laugh.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Career Change

Earlier this year, I was a mom that had to wear many hats. Not only did I have a career of my own that I would work full time but would bring work home with me. I also, had to be a mommy and think and plan on fun activities to do on the weekend, dinner planning and diaper changing. I needed to me a caring wife, who kept up with cleaning the house, laundry and finding time to make sure my husband knew he was loved. Geez, that sounds like a lot! 

Our family made a decision to move out of state. where my husband took an opportunity with a growing company. I needed to resign from my career. That was very difficult to do. Not only was the company that I worked for amazing. They really were family. I know, I saw them, more then my family. 

After moving we realized as a family that my energy would be better utilized if I was to be a stay at home mom.

Being a stay at home mom, was never a career that I thought about. I thought that was never an option, that I had to have a career of my own. Sometimes, I still think this way. Then I look at these little eyes and the tiny smiles and know we made the right choice. 

Has it been challenging, I would be lying if I said a bold no. Has my time been rewarding? Yes! My little girl can count to twelve, knows most shapes and colors. Little boy I feel is hitting his milestone before his big sister did. The question that I ask daily, Is this all possible because I am a stay at home mom, giving both children individual attention or would all this have happened if they were in daycare.

These last few months have been interesting, to say the least. I am enjoying every moment this life of mine has to offer. 

"Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things will always work out." Gordon B.Hinckley

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Disney Race Challenge Survival

I have had the privilege of running multiple Disney races. Recently, Disney has added challenges to their race weekends. I, like a running sap think, boy what a great idea! I love to push the limits.  The last challenge I participated in was the Disney Land Inaugural Star Wars Rebel Challenge.  When I agree to participate in another race weekend with my favorite running partner; I had no idea what I agreed to nor the new challenges that were in front of me.

Training. It is a dreaded word, which all runners must and should do to ensure they are well prepared. Running in a challenge is a little different because you need to prepare your body to run back to back days. It wouldn't be so difficult; however, your big miles runs are at the end.

Preparing myself for the Rebel Challenge wasn’t any different than training for Glass Slipper. I started by running my normal training plan for half marathons. When I reached 10 miles for my long run, I started mimicking the race weekend. Friday night I would run six miles and Saturday would be my long run day. Also, take in consideration where you are training; trails, asphalt, indoor track or the beloved, treadmill. You do need to remember that on race day there are inclines, declines and pot holes.Continuing to increase your mileage and the amount of days you run, does take a toll on your body.

ALWAYS, listen to your body if you are in pain, take the day off. Respect the rest day; don’t feel guilty that you have taken a day off. Your body needs time to heal and continuing to build the strength and muscles for your conquest. Make sure that what ever program that you decide to use to stick with it. If you plan on running both races try to keep a steady pace. Unless you are a professional, have been running long distances for years; do not start the run at your maximum pace.
Eat and eat healthy. Make sure you are eating enough to fuel your body. If your body is not properly fueled it will not produce the results you are looking for. I have learned that hard way that a spoon full of peanut butter is not enough fuel for my long runs. My stomach will cramp up, and I will become dizzy. When you fuel make each bite count.

Start planning your trip where are you going to stay, how many days will you go to the parks, and when will you go to the expo. This is the fun part. When training gets boring I start planning; it helps keep my eyes on the prize(s).

Race weekend creeps up and surprises me every time. I am over whelmed with panic and anticipation. I am worried I did not train enough, I am not prepared and maybe I will fail. If you are like me and those same thoughts run through you mind, R-E-L-A-X.  You have trained, fueled, hydrated, and haven’t felt this physically good in years.

The night before race day, be cautious of what you eat. Remember what you ingest tonight is what will still be in your system in the morning. Also, remember sometime foods like to make its presents known by sweating through your pours. Once again, listen to your body. You know what you are able to eat and you know the foods that do not always agree with you.
Also, get your outfit laid out that night along with your belt. Make sure everything that you need in the morning is in one place. If you need beans, gels, tissues, cell phone, maybe a snack or even a little piece of toast to help with a mid run hunger pains.  
Standing in corrals on both days; look around, enjoy looking at everyone’s costume, the smell of the air in the morning and remember that you can do this. Take your time; there is no need for you to run high speed right out of the gate. Enjoy this run, enjoy running through the parks, the back lots and some local roads. Don’t dread that hill coming up. Take your time up it and remember when you reach the top, there is free energy waiting for you to use on the way down.  If you need to take a break from running, walk.

When the miles start becoming tougher, and you start to questions why did I think that this was a good idea or whose bright idea was this run. Try to remember your motivation, the why in your choice to do take on this challenge. Maybe it is a Dole Whip or a special victory meal that is waiting for you at the finish line. I have had the privilege of running my challenges with my sister. Come mile 10 of the half marathon sometimes, we are at the point of not wanting to talk to each other. However, it is nice to have someone that is running next to you; knowing and feeling the struggles.
After your races are complete and around your neck you hear the chimes of the medals that you earned. There are a few things to remember to do, re-hydrate; water is good and good for you. Slip on or struggle putting on your compression socks. I know, I was once a non-believe of these socks but they really do help.  Get your feet out of those stinky running shoes. I prefer to wiggle into my cushioned sandals. Eat! After the Rebel challenge my sister and I went to the Blue Bayou and carb-loaded. It was pretty fabulous!  Embrace that you are walking a little funny or maybe slower than you normally do.  Enjoy the nods and strangers congratulating you on your accomplishments.

Doing a challenge is a personal choice. You will know when it is time to take on the commitment of saying yes, to doing it. There will be lots of hours of training to ensure your body is prepared for the miles that you are going to be putting on. Listen to your body, do you need a rest day, ice or more fuel. Make sure you give your body what it needs. Compression socks, they will be your best friend. Especially, after your long runs. Be mentally prepared, everyday is not going to be rainbows and Mickey waffles, but future you will look back and be thankful for your sacrifices and hard work.
As a wise person once said, "Do or do not, there is not try."

Virtual Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend Blog Hop Directory

Monday, February 18, 2013

Getting ready to leave for the Disney Princess Half Marathon!

I am T-minus 3 days until I leave for the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon Weekend.  I am getting super excited not only to be at Disney World with family but also to finally have all this training to pay off.
This is going to be my second time running this race. First time running the royal family 5k the day before with 9 other people (all family). I will be running the half marathon again with my sister, Marge. Last year she ran with me, and supported me every mile of the way. It was a great first half marathon race to do. Not only because you are running through Magic Kingdom and EPCOT but this race is full of entertainment and support through every mile.
I have been actively training for the Princess Run since October. I really didn't stop my training after the Disney Land Half that I competed in summer. Every week I increased my mileage one extra mile. This was to help prevent any type of injury that happens when you increase your miles and speed to quickly.  However, there were a few problems that I encounter during training for this run. For starters, it is during the winter, in Wisconsin. Our weather is pretty crumby with icy rain, snow, and blow freezing temperatures. Most of my training was on my my treadmill (I like to call it my dreadmill). Secondly, my treadmill broke down on me mid run last month. After a frantic run to Dicks Sporting goods to get a new one. I found out that this treadmill might be possessed with an anti-run demon. Every time I get past mile 4 the tread likes to eruptly stop on me. Making me thrust into the monitor. I have one more long run to go before I put my out of order sign on him.  

 I have not yet pack for the runs yet. I do not plan on packing until Thursday. I find that I won't over pack and will not panic not remembering if I did or did not pack something. I will be packing the CheezeHead Princess outfit for the main event to match my sister. I also will be wearing a Green Bay Packer running outfit for the Royal Family 5k, family. Outside of those two must have outfits the only other item is my running shoes that I can not forget to pack. (that and a toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, ect)

I have been looking forward to coming back to Walt Disney World to once again run the Princess Half Marathon. I can't wait to run past the bands, the singers, the princes and princesses.Maybe taking another picture of Captian Jack Sparrow. Most of all I look forward in celebrating both of the runs with my family. I get to keep pace with the little ones (my nieces and nephews), my sister, brother-in-law, and also my parents during the Family 5k on Saturday. I am thrilled to run with my sister again for 13.1 miles. In 6 days (February 24,2013) I will be running the Disney Princess Half with my best friend. I know that this is not going to be the easiest run this year. I do know one thing, What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Holiday Season

I know that the holiday season comes every year. I have 12 months to prepare and  plan, or so I think. I feel every year it becomes very difficult to plan this season around family and training. Some times I over think to the point of getting frustrated that I say, "the heck with it!"
During the initial planning I know who I have to spend my time with during Christmas. I need to see my grandparents, who live about 3 hours from me.  Can not miss my grandfather cooking pierogis in an old fashion way. It's one of my favorite holiday traditions (delicious food).

 I also, have to visit my sister and her family who lives in Indiana. Josh, Bruce (our puppy) and I spend at least two to three days there. One of my favorite reason to visit are my sister and brother-in-laws'  5 little ones ranging from 12 to 1. Seeing their faces, hearing the laughter run rapid around the house just puts me in the holiday spirit. After a wonderful meal we make our way to the living room, to exchange gifts. Here is where everyone's eyes light up with excitement and appreciation. Once the excitement settles down we unwind watch a classic on TV. This is where I start thinking about my next running day.

After the cookies, candies, and delicious food settles into my love handles, is when I start contemplating about getting back on the treadmill and marking down miles for the week.  I know that I have to make my weekly goal of 13+ miles but there is so much more important than those miles. I want to spend time with the family, telling stories and laughing till it's time for bed. I would hate for the family to think that I want to put my wants over them.
However, there is a little voice that tells me (especially at my sister's house) that if I do run, even just a short run I am showing my nieces and nephews that you should always be reaching for your goals in life. It won't take me all day maybe at the most 40 minutes or so.
Last year I let all the worrying and fears of training get the better of me. Will I train during the holiday season in between to cookies and mash potatoes?  I am going to try my best to make it to the treadmill and clock my miles. I won't get down on myself if I don't, I know that I will get back on scheduled soon. Christmas isn't about me and my miles, its about being with the ones that you love! Merry Christmas!